The secret of our unity is simple: we believe in the Armed Forces. 💪 Ready to repeat it like a mantra. And thank you infinitely! After all, thanks to the army, we have the opportunity to work, build a business, give people jobs and plan our tomorrow. Each of us chooses our own way of saying thank you for each gifted day. But one way or another, we are aware of the price we have to pay. 🙏🙏🙏

While we shudder at the sirens, you are defending an entire nation and driving the scumbags away. 💪 Victorious and brave! When we manage to sleep at night, we know exactly who took care of it.

You balance between the possible and the impossible: you have time to remove a calming stake in hell, you master a new technique with an express course - overnight, you give everything you have to civilians, between tasks you pigeonhole cats 🐱 and chase the enemy so that the grove is noisy!

I'm sure you have your own superpower secrets. But we know that you defend the most important thing - your native land, the peaceful sleep of your loved ones and the future of your children. And it is unlikely that we will ever be able to find the words that would accurately describe our feelings. But the point is clear.

Thank you. We believe. We will win!